Competition winners

I've just wrapped up two copies of A Year in Lush Places to send off to the winners of the Smitten by Britain competition.

One's heading to Houston, Texas. I do hope the winner sends me a picture of herself reading the book wearing a Dallas-style cowboy hat or at the helm of the space centre and about to launch a rocket.

The other, unbelievably, is in the same county as me - Dorset - but at the eastern end. Right where those Turberville tombs lie in the church and inspired Thomas Hardy to write Tess.

Maybe the local winner will oblige by sending me a Dorset-themed picture of herself, A Year in Lush Places and a sheep.

Or maybe not.

That's about it.

Love Maddie x


  1. Hello!
    I'm the winner from Houston, TX. I'm very happy to have won your book and am looking forward to reading it and sharing it with others.
    I don't have a cowboy hat or even cowboy boots, but, I do like living here, for the time being. If ever you are near, be sure to visit!
    Thank you again!

    1. Hi Shari - hope you enjoy the book. One day, I have promised myself a road trip across the US, from East to West, with a week on a dude ranch and a few days in Vegas at the end. Just have to persuade Mr Grigg it's the right thing to do. And if we do it, I might just pop in to say hello.


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