It's bin a long day

It's bin day in the Enchanted Village. I peer across at Mr and Mrs Champagne-Charlie's recycling box to see how many cases of gin they've got through this week.

What's this, an empty bottle of soy sauce and a rather fancy designer cider? Oops, it's our box. I'd forgotten Mr Grigg had put it outside the back door instead of the front.

At least we have a box. And a bin. Poor old Tuppence hasn't. Her bin has been nicked from the end of her lane.

That's well rubbish.

That's about it.

Love Maddie x


  1. You always leave us with a smile!

  2. That's great how you can take a simple thing as bin (trash) day and make it look interesting.

  3. Sainsbury's basic Rose wine comes in plastic, screw top bottles so they go in the regular rubbish as we don't have a box for plastics. No clanking of bottles, unlike my neighbour's glass and tin refuse box as when they put them out for collection it sounds like a brewery delivery.


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