I'm a Blogger of Note!

Oh my giddy aunt. I feel like I'm on a cloud, floating high above my hovel, looking down on the scaffolding-encrusted west wing and down through the conservatory roof where I can see myself frantically typing on a tiny netbook.

Mr Grigg is down on Tom Tiddler's Ground, rearranging bits of wood with Mr Loggins. Oh, those boys and logs. I don't understand the appeal, personally, but it's better than ogling at girls. They go into raptures over the log store, they really do. If they were crafty, they would postion a few logs at jaunty angles and put the whole lot in for the Turner Prize.

And talking of prizes, yes, more about that great big fluffy cloud on which I am sitting. The World from My Window was chosen as yesterday's Blog of Note - 'interesting and noteworthy Blogger-powered blogs, compiled by the Blogger Team'.

And I wouldn't have known if my follower list hadn't suddenly shot up to 150. And to think I was going to pack in blogging for good a couple of months ago. What an honour.

So in my Oscar acceptance speech, I would like to thank my old flatmate Curious Girl for pointing me in the blogging direction, my village friends, especially Pelly and Mrs Bancroft, for encouraging me in my sideways look at life and the friends I have yet to meet - my blogging pals - spearheaded by the lovely Pondside, whose comments I so truly appreciate.

And then, of course, there is Mr Grigg. My imagination may get the better of me at times. But I can assure you every word I tell you about Mr Grigg is absolutely true. Honestly.

Now, enough of that guff. Being a Blogger of Note could become a bit of a burden. What are all you newbie followers expecting from this blog? Chummy cosiness, pearls of wisdom, beautiful prose? Well, whatever you think it is, it probably isn't. I'm just me, and this is my take on the Enchanted Village, this magical part of Dorset that has allowed me to make my home near the parish pump, at the point where several ley lines cross in the Square while a Ginster's pasty van* lurks around the corner.

It is a tale told by an idiot, for sure, but oh, what a tale. On Bluebell Hill, the flowers that give it its name are about to burst into full song. The beech trees are that beautiful lime green, the dainty white gypsy lace of the cow parsley lines the banks of the lanes, the pink campions are ladies-in-waiting and the swallows dart in and around and about the village square, chattering on the telephone wires.

We've had appearances from Johnnie Boden, Fay Weldon, eminent human rights lawyer Clive Stafford-Smith, tramps, thieves, posh and peasants, chickens and pheasants, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Alistair Campbell, King Charles II, Clint Eastwood, doggers, 101 Dalmatians, Flat Stanley, flashers, the ladies of the WI, celebrity farmers, John Wayne, cattle, sheep, spaniels and Oliver Letwin.

Meanwhile, back to real life here at the Grigg house. The builder has just found a dead rat in the bathroom ceiling.

I feel bad about it. For weeks we have been blaming the smell on Number One Son, after his occasional visits from university and a break from the Pot Noodles. So allow me to send a message to my boy: your mother takes it all back. Please come home soon. A new bedroom will be waiting for you when you have completed your degree.

But now, just allow me to sit back and enjoy a nice glass of dry white wine. Anything as long as it's not a Chardonnay. Cheers!

That's about it.

Love Maddie x

* To understand how important the Ginsters pasty is to Mr Grigg, click on this link. But only if you are not easily offended...


  1. Hey, well done! That's a big deal, as your now 164-strong follower list proves!

  2. This blog is definitely worthy of the Blog Of Note, especially due to its peculiarity and a very refreshing style of posts.

    Keep it up!

  3. Maddie: How exciting !
    I have been a follower of your blog for quite some time, and always knew you were a talented and special blogger.
    Now the world knows it....
    Congratulations, I'm glad they found the rat.
    Hugs from Tennessee,

  4. I hardly ever click on Blog of Note, but today I chanced it and have been deposited on your doorstep. I mean to learn from you, especially about an odd thing called a pasty, that seems to have a fantasy use not originaly intended. You and your husband seem instructive folk and I seek expansion. Thank you!!

  5. Congratulations on being named a Blog of Note. I'll be dropping by from time to time.

    Dr. Mac


  6. Woohoo you! Congrats on the Blogs of Note mention. Very well deserved. :)

  7. happy, able to read your blog. Cheers! ...

  8. Okay -- how adorable is this blog?!

    Was checking my dashboard and there you were under "blog of note". Just learning the ropes myself, so thought I'd see what was what over here.

    And you are adorable! My kind of gal.

    Congratulations! Barbara

  9. I'm sobbing into my lace hankie as I read this - too, too good of you to remember those of us who knew-you-when. I hope that none of this will go to your head - that you'll remain the same, sweet and unspoiled Maddie that we've come to know and love.
    Oh, and.....congrats!

  10. Congrats on the 'blog of note' and happy weekend.

  11. Congratulations on becoming a blog of note. Well done!

  12. Have you seen how many followers you have now..".It's not fair.".I scream from my hot little hovel in Crete.............

  13. Hello! I too have discovered you from your Blog of Note fame. And from this one post, I am subscribing. How is THAT for pressure?? :-)

    Happy Weekend to you!

  14. Congrats from your 218 th follower,LOl.You are a delight and I'm not expecting anything more than the sweetness I have just read and enjoyed....Come see my blog sometime....well at least one of them,anyway....

  15. Oi amiga! tens um espaço muito bonito e muito bem ilustrado, porém ficaria melhor se colocasses um tradutor, pois seria melhor para entender e comentar.

    Beijos e fique com DEUS.


  16. New Blog. Please divulgacion!!


  17. congratulations on being a blogger of note!

  18. your sudden elevation seems very well deserved judging from what i've read so far and i'm sure your new followers are thankful to have been pointed in your direction!

  19. nice blog! keep it up!

    visit also my blog:

  20. Tada! Congratulations, keep your good works.

    My Inspiration

  21. Wow I am impressed. What a unique blog! Congratulations. I am following!

  22. hahaha.. entertaining! i love the names of the people in your blog.

  23. Fab Well done you. And you nealy stopped writing it..... Please don't!

  24. At last we've found you! Thanks Blogger for pointing in the right direction. Well done, Maddie. Love your blog! Yeah, I guess I'll be following you, too...but not in a weirdo, odd stalkerish kind of way, mind.

  25. Thought I'd let you know that "The Blogger of Note" thing was how I found you. Well done and hoping I achieve such giddy heights one day. C

  26. Your blog is super, what a refreshing change and I love your humorous slant on life :-)

    Congratualtions...you deserve your blog note!

  27. Hi Maddie - just wanted to say many congrats on becoming a Blog of Note and much deserved it is. I'm so glad you didn't decide to stop blogging - and I'm sure you are too! Weirdly, I have just popped into my blog to see if there was anything going on and thought it a bit odd when overnight the comments on my most recent post had gone from 1 to 12...and it seems I have just been 'Noted' as well! Spooky coincidence.

    Anyway WELL DONE and keep up the good work!!


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