A message to you, Ruby

Christmas is just a week away and that sounds about right as a cough and cold has just descended on me like the Angel Gabriel.

I've had the flu jab so it isn't a full-on thing, but it's annoying, nonetheless, and I hope it'll have burnt itself out by this time next week.

The village square is looking very sparkly as are all roads leading to it. While walking the dogs just before dusk last night, a five-bar gate across someone's drive suddenly lit up as I went past, flashing and going as if Christmas was about to arrive, which indeed it is.

Carol singing in church is done and dusted although, sadly, our vicar was unable to lead the service because she's ill. Still, it was a great way to start the festive season and the last minute choir practice in church accompanied by ringing bells was worthy of The Vicar of Dibley because none of us could hear ourselves think, let alone sing.

Thankfully, there were no sniggers from the congregation when I read the second lesson containing the immortal quote 'but I am a virgin'.

And the crackers went off with a bang at a festive dinner party, which isn't bad considering they cost 50p at the church's Christmas Coffee Morning and had been up in a lady's attic since the demise of Woolworths more than ten years ago.

So all is calm, all is bright.

This may or may not be my last blog post before Christmas. It all depends on how this cold progresses.

But in the meantime, naughty dog Ruby has received a Christmas card from her old family and she's not giving it up lightly.

That's about it.

Love Maddie x


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