
Showing posts from February, 2017

After the Oscars drama of La La Land here comes Broadchurch

After the La La Land madness at last night's Oscars ceremony, in which the hit musical movie was given Best Picture award by mistake instead of Moonlight , here in the UK we'll be sitting down tonight to watch our own award-winning drama. It's the third and final and long-awaited series of Broadchurch .  In Dorset, this programme is particularly special, because much of it was filmed at West Bay, with its wonderful layer-cake cliffs. When the first series of Broadchurch was broadcast on ITV in early 2013, I was away in Greece, having exchanged my life in west Dorset for a year in Corfu. Writer Chris Chibnall has described the show as his love letter to the area he is proud to call home. And being so far away from my own home, I was desperate to see the programme everyone was talking about. When I got hold of the DVD box set, I understood. It's not comfortable viewing but it's utterly compelling. Here's a personal reflection which I wrote about for...

Happy birthday to a music legend

One of my all-time musical heroes is eighty five today. Take a bow, Mr John Williams . You are epic. By Chris Devers (Flickr: DSC_0937.JPG) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons This man, this incredible man, has provided the soundtrack to so many wonderful films which have become the soundtracks to our lives. Of course, there's Star Wars and Jaws and ET and Indiana Jones . He also wrote the music to  Schindler's List, Lincoln (now there's a film for current times), Saving Private Ryan,   Memoirs of a Geisha, Home Alone and many, many more .  The man is a legend, bringing classical musical to the masses through these fantastically atmospheric film scores. How can anyone not like the theme to Jurassic Park ? So when Mr Grigg and I were travelling travelling up to Heathrow last year (on our way to Colombia, don't you know) and heard a plug on the radio for a special Radio 2  Friday Night Is Mus...

Forever Archive - films about West Dorset

I was trawling through the internet the other day, looking for something specific, when I came across something completely different. (That's the thing with the internet. It can take you down rabbit holes - some of which land you, like Alice, in Wonderland while others take you to a painting by Hieronymus Bosch.) Anyway, I came across a number of videos that formed part of Forever Archive, a project I helped research back in 2012.  Scarily, I was the subject of one of the inteviews, as they ran out of people to film. Here's the blurb: In 2012, the Forever Archive project set out to increase awareness of archive film and its relevance to our lives today, and to put across that the idea of archive film is a continuous process ā€“ the films from a hundred years ago are a fascinating insight into the way we used to live and similarly, the films we create today will be of huge interest in another hundred years. Archive film is not something alien and remote, locked into a...