Coming soon: Far From The Madding Crowd

There is great excitement in this neck of the woods as Dorset prepares for the local premiere of Far From The Madding Crowd on Friday.

Based on Thomas Hardy's book of the same name, it stars Carey Mulligan as the wilful heroine, Bathsheba Everdene, and is due for general release on 1 May.
Much of the film was shot here in West Dorset, with the lovely Mapperton doubling up as Bathsheba's manor house.

Having lived and worked on this estate, I can vouch for its beauty. There is nowhere quite like it.

So when others are wondering how the film will compare with its 1967 predecessor, directed by John Schlesinger and starring Julie Christie, Alan Bates and Peter Finch, I know I'll be just gazing at the real star of the show: the West Dorset landscape.

Here's a taster:

That's about it.

Love Maddie x


  1. I saw the trailer just last night before the showing of The Woman in Gold (thoroughly enjoyed that one) and though "I must see that". Lucky you, to have lived in such a beautiful place!

  2. Hi Maddie, it's good to discover your blog (from Barbara's). I catch myself getting absorbed by the setting rather than the storyline sometimes, too. I've heard quite a bit about the beauty of Dorset.


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