Sailing back into the internet

I don't think I've ever gone so long without blogging. It makes me feel quite dizzy, it does.

I've been two weeks at sea, not in an open boat, but as Number One on the the good yacht Nestor.
I've woken up next to this in Astakos.
I've looked out on this in Meganisi.
And we've seen sun, wind, rain and the moon over Mitikas.
And the stars, oh, you should have seen the stars over Ithaca. At four in the morning, they were all out to play.

We went where the wind took us.
We've been in and out of bays, skirting archaeological ruins and tying up to the quayside. It's been magical.
I've read seven novels and spent my fifteenth wedding anniversary anchored off the most beautiful, unspoilt island of Kastos.
We've had only intermittent internet and a laptop with a flat battery. Just before we went, the Vodafone shops ran out of pay-as-you go cards for the dongle and the WiFi was sporadic.

Still, when we did find an internet cafe, you can bet your life it was one with a view.
 Normal service to be resumed shortly.

That's about it.

Love Maddie x


  1. Congratulations. Wonderful experience! Great photos.


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