It's so quiet, oh, so still...

In the UK, snow is falling on the Enchanted Village. Here in Agios Magikades we open our windows to sunshine coming up around the mountain.

Our Sunday morning is broken by the the cockadoodledoo-ing of a dozen cockerels, whose yelling gives an aural perspective to the landscape.  That sets off the dogs (it sounds like hundreds of them), then the geese and then the turkeys.  And then the church bells, to a dreadful tune which even Hades, the god of the underworld, would not recognise.

Later, the pigeons flap in the citrus trees, chainsaws buzz in the distance, wood is chopped and Mr Grigg prunes the palm.

The streets are quiet in Corfu town and, despite the sunshine, the mistral wind brings a chill into the shadows.  Yesterday, we took a late Saturday afternoon stroll and soaked up our surroundings, enjoying quiet sightseeing out of the heat and the tourist season.

That's about it.

Love Maddie x


  1. So many beautiful pictures, every where you turn around. Is that a sculpture? (Second picture)That cat is going to catch those pigeons if you don't watch out.

  2. Nice photos! The week ahead is full of strikes, I hear.

  3. Lovely to hear about your adventures. And very envious!

  4. Have just discovered your blog. We both have the same passion for Corfu and live in beautiful Dorset. Envy you for being in our 'second home' during the winter.


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