Super Sad True Love Story

I was reading my Kindle and was about seven percent of my way through the novel. ' I talked her out of her pants, cupped the twin, tiny globes of her *** with my palms, and pushed my lips right inside her soft, vital ***** .' Christ. I zapped the Kindle a few more random pages more: ' I am so sick of making out with girls .' Oh, please no, please no. Not my choice for Book Club. I could imagine in front rooms throughout The Enchanted Village, Mrs Bancroft choking on her melba toast or Mrs Champagne-Charlie spluttering on her gin and tonic. Pelly Sheepwash would be tut-tutting, Darling Loggins would be in bed with her nightie laced up to the neck and, over in the Caribbean, the fragrant Mrs Putter would be chuckling on a sunbed on her 18 to 70 holiday, with Mr Putter coming out of the sea in snorkel and flippers like Sean Connery in Dr No. And the lovely Mabel Lucie-Attwell would be quite stern, a look I have never seen her wearing before. It had to happen ...