Bridport by Night

Thirty years ago, when I was twenty, I went with my mum and my young daughter to take a look at Bridport, where I was about to start a new job as a reporter on the local paper. It was only twenty miles from the place I was born, but I didn't know it at all.

We walked up to the top of the windswept East Cliff and looked around us, my blonde little girl covering her eyes because she didn't want her photo taken. It was wonderful, and I fell in love with the place immediately.

It's a love affair that has continued  ever since. I was privileged through my job to get to know the  place and its people very well. I even wrote a book about it, which became a bestseller, if only in the local area.

Even now, living in the hinterland, I get anxiety attacks if I don't have a Bridport fix every now and then. It's My Kind of Town.

So I was thrilled to see this film posted on YouTube by a young Twitter friend, who obviously feels the same. Stand up and take a bow, Stephen Banks, you've captured the magical spirit of Bridport beautifully.

It's taken the local Twitter and Facebook world by storm. So I thought I'd share it with you.

That's about it.

Love Maddie x


  1. We, in Dorset, are so lucky with our night skies.

  2. Beautiful. There is so much creativity to be experienced thanks to the internet. It amazes. Thank you for sharing this lovely interlude. A person doesn't have to know Bridport to appreciate this kind of magic. Well done Stephen Banks.

  3. Hello from across the pond. This is my first visit here. It's sure not to be my last. Just look at those words in your Sidebar...

    ...close your eyes and you may just stumble across Lush Places, also known in these parts as The Enchanted Village.

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmm... Delicious!!! How could I not return?!?

    “I live in two worlds. One is a world of books...........It’s a rewarding world, but my second one is by far superior. My second one is populated with characters slightly less eccentric but supremely real, made of flesh and bone, full of love, who are my ultimate inspiration for everything.”
    ~ Gilmore Girls

  4. -waving- I just commented, which you will see, when you read/vet your comments. :-) And you'll not have to publish this question, if you don't want to do so.

    Wondering why you have Word Verification setting on, when you have Comment Verification setting on? With the later, you read and make sure all-is-fine with your comments, before publishing them.

    Wondering why you also make your Dear Readers do the *dreaded* Word Ver. too?

    Please don't be mad at me for asking. I've found that some bloggers don't know they have the *dreaded* Word ver. setting ON. So, I sometimes ask.

    And sometimes, people get mad.

    But....... Sometimes they don't, and are happy to learn this. And happy to take it off. (Word Ver.)

    Gentle hugs...

    “I live in two worlds. One is a world of books...........It’s a rewarding world, but my second one is by far superior. My second one is populated with characters slightly less eccentric but supremely real, made of flesh and bone, full of love, who are my ultimate inspiration for everything.”
    ~ Gilmore Girls

  5. Auntie, thanks for the comment and thanks for the info - not mad just confused. According to my settings, there is no distinction between comment and word verification, it doesn't give me an option. I also sometimes like the random word it throws up! ;o)

  6. What a beautiful video. I like Bridport too. It is not just the place, it is the people who are friendly and open. They seem refreshingly unspoilt (sorry if that sounds patronising- I can't think of another way to say it). Basically, when I chat to folk, they chat back and have a laugh. It should be a given, but I sometimes find people stay closed off and turn away when spoken to.

    I am mightily impressed with the book too. I can now see why you are such a word-smith in this blog. It seems you have had an interesting life.

  7. I love the time lapse video, it looks like a lovely town, how lucky you were to spend time there. I read the article about you. It sounds has if you had a interesting career as a journalist. I like being able to fit a face to the blog.


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