Cold turkey

The day started so well. Christmas Day in The Enchanted Village. Pillowcases stuffed full of presents: new socks, Ferrero Rocher, a personalised calendar of our travels.

A bird-within-a-bird-within-a-bird, courtesy of Mr Champagne-Charlie next door, who had bagged four of the six birds before turning them into a culinary creation for us. Cranberry sauce prepared Gordon Ramsay-style, Louis Prima on the stereo and then the bottle of champagne.

Looking back, that's where it all started to go wrong. Niggling rows with Mr Grigg as we prepared the veg at the kitchen island, the disappointment at a new pair of boots a half size too small and then the decision to wander over to the pub for just the one drink while the bird-within-a-bird cooked merrily in the Aga.

Two hours and five drinks later, Mr Grigg's younger brother and two children wandered in. We staggered out to go home, the cold air hit me and I was out for the count.

This morning, I have just had a slice of cold bird-within-a-bird and a cold roast parnsip. It was obviously a lovely meal. A great time was had by all.

It's just a shame I missed it.

That's about it.

Love Maddie x


  1. *sighs* Sorry to hear you missed the Christmas meal & festivities Maggie as it all looked yummy in the posted pic! :-/
    Hope you didn't incur any bodily damage exiting the local either - fingers crossed you welcome in the New Year with style and panache! :-)

    Hugs to you and yours from frosty Derby! xx

  2. At least they didn't leave you out there, lying in the snow.

  3. Oh dear - but then the excess of a bird-within-a-bird might not be such a bad thing to miss.


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