It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas

Just a quick post after a very busy village weekend:

* a party at the Munchkins at which, consumed by alcohol, I ended up inviting everyone for a long weekend in Las Vegas the year after next
* hangover Saturday
* Christmas tree erecting in the village square
* supper at our house for six with someone else doing the cooking
* chief cook and bottle washer at Mrs Bancroft's light bites and nibbles open house yesterday
* cooking roast leg of lamb with rosemary and garlic for assorted waifs and strays last night

This morning I discover the dogs have fox mange and the Christmas tree lights outside our house have been on the random flashing setting all through the night. Classy.

That's about it.

Love Maddie x


  1. Sounds like my kind of weekend!

  2. Sign me up for the Vegas weekend and I'll put it in my calendar.
    The lights could be seen as a bit of Vegas prep - you might want to ramp them up a bit and add musak.

  3. Someone, somewhere, likes flashing Christmas lights. Have as much fun as you can and good luck with the dogs.

    You can sign me up for Vegas too.

  4. While your "experiences" may be self-inflicted, I fear your dogs' are not. I do hope you have a good vet or some other way of caring for your charming creatures.

  5. Thanks for your comments!
    Hi Rob - dogs went to see the lovely vet yesterday so are on their first course of two months' treatment. Whopping great bill but the younger spaniel managed to widdle on the vet's trousers, so that was some compensation.
    Girls, see you in Vegas late July/Aug 2010 for my fiftieth and Mr G's sixtieth.

  6. Make that 2011. Wouldn't want you to wait all year for me... x


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