The ghost of halloweens past

The rain is coming down in sheets here on All Souls Day. The empty square is a contrast to last night when the village was buzzing with skeletons, witches, Frankenstein monsters and some children as just plain hoodies.

Trick or Treat in this village is quite a civilised, good natured affair. The children are accompanied by parents or older siblings and call only at those houses where they know they will be welcomed.

Up in the village hall, the garden club was holding its AGM, along with a carved pumpkin competition. We resisted the urge to go this year, thinking nothing could top our outing 12 months ago. If you missed it, go back in time, it's a good 'un.

Meanwhile, back at the Grigg hovel, Mr Grigg had his own ideas about tricking or treating. When the young visitors knocked on our door, he would ask what trick they'd like. Tiring of the fact they didn't seem to get the joke, he went one step further, ready for the next lot.

'What are you doing?' I asked, as he whipped an old duvet cover from the airing cupboard.

'Just wait and see.'

With that, he got out the scissors, made some appropriate holes and, hey presto, alakazam, izzy whizzy let's get busy, an apparition arose in our front hall...

That, coupled with a water pistol and a stuffed fox's head, snarling, seemed to do the trick.

We weren't bothered again.

That's about it.

Love Maddie x


  1. Yes, I'm sure that word went 'round quickly about your house!
    We didn't get a soul here - driveway too long and too dark and the house to far down a long and windy road. I shelled out with my sister at her house where the little ghoulies and ghosties were very cute.

  2. That Mr. Grigg is a sly fox! Our numbers seem to diminish every year. We had about 30 ish kidlets stop by last night.

  3. My policy is to go out on Halloween and leave the house in darkness.

  4. What a funny man! Having been MIA from visiting my favorite blogs lately, would the stuffed fox head have *anything* to do with the demise of Russell's Crow's girlfriends? Just wondering...


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