Christmas in Agios Magikades

On Christmas morning in Agios Magikades, the church bells clang at just after seven thirty and then again at nine. A little old man with a wizened face and a young man with an enormous moustache ring the bells outside. The younger man is joined by his son, who takes hold of the rope and goes up with it, several times. We follow two smartly dressed people from the platia in through the north door. The service has already been going for at least an hour. The church is full, men at the front, singing responses to the litany as the white-and-gold-robed priest stands the other side of the iconostasis in front of the holy table. He has his back to us but we see and hear him through the central door, known in the Eastern Orthodox tradition as the beautiful gates. Two small children run up and down the aisle, a boy with gelled hair and a girl with a new Barbie doll. A woman puts a euro in the box, pulls out a candle and lights it. The air conditioning units blast ou...