Spring is in the air just in time for Easter

May is out and clouts have been casted. Whatever clouts are, spring is well and truly here. The daffodils are out and over, the primroses are running rampant and the bluebells won't be far behind them. Up on the hill it's quiet in the mornings but like Piccadilly Circus as the day progresses. There are families with dogs, older people whose energetic grandchildren drag them up the slopes towards the rope swings. Down in the fields, the sheep are safely grazing while young steers and heifers frolic among themselves when they spot a dog walker scurrying along rather too hurriedly. The best way to avoid their attention is to ignore them completely, although I have been known to stop, turn around then roar rather loudly if they get too close. Mind you, I have been known to run down in my wellington boots at half past seven in the morning, singing at the top of the voice. On those occasions, when I'm belting out Don't Fence Me In , the cattle generally sh...