Maddie's on The Gadget Show

Sitting in a railway a ticket to my destination. So, here I am, sitting in an old railway carriage. It's at Station Kitchen , West Bay, the home of Broadchurch and today, for one day only, Channel 5's The Gadget Show . I'm being interviewed by Jon Bentley about the pros and cons of two very different mobile phones. I'm not really a techie person but p roducer/director Robert Murray emailed me out of the blue and asked me to blog about the whole experience. Along with a photographer and a gamer, I'm being asked to test out a cheap phone and a not-so-cheap phone and see what results I get. This photo was taken on the Honor 6X. And here's Jon, in the same pose (and researcher George, looking a bit bored), in a picture taken on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. You can judge the results for yourself. I'm also meant to be doing a little bit of blogging on each phone, having downloaded Blogger and WordPress apps. To be honest, I...