
Showing posts from January, 2017

The sun still rises in the east

Over on A Dorset Year , I'm enjoying the beauty in nature in a world gone mad. As my famous ancestor, Ernest Hemingway , would have noted, the sun also rises.  To read more, please visit A Dorset Year . That's about it. Love Maddie x

Something terrible has happened

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened. Let's build bridges, not walls. That's about it. Love Maddie x

A big old moon plays hide and seek in the morning sky

Over on A Dorset Year , I'm talking fly-tipping, longed-for snow and a big old moon. That's about it. Love, Maddie x

And so the year begins

On the first day of the New Year, brave souls in fancy dress head for the sea at Lyme Regis in the now traditional ā€˜Lyme Lungeā€™, organised by the local Rotary Club, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. ā€˜Dip into the balmy waters of Lyme Bay,ā€™ the promotional material states. You can almost hear the  Cadburyā€™s Caramel bunny doing the voiceover . But itā€™s cold in that there ocean. My brother swims about six strokes and then heā€™s out, like a flying fish. Rather him than me. Go to A Dorset Year for more. That's about it. Love Maddie x